Drat. I keep accidentally posting the micro.blog token when enabling Drafts. (@agiletortoise does Drafts eat the token before it posts to micro.blog? Am I doing this wrong?)

So I’m using Drafts on my Apple Watch to post this to microblog. Does that count as crossing the streams @agiletortoise?
Checking in.

Two updates: Looks like mastodon.network has folder, and quitter.no is going away in September. So I’m moving my GNU.social account to mastodon.social/@leolapor…
in association with that I’m using Keybase.io as an identity proof for all my online streams:
Finger’s back, baby!
Twitter is a breeding ground for madness
Lately I feel like Twitter and its users are suffering from some sort of mass psychosis. It’s all id - to use a Freudian term. And it’s communicable. I’ve seen normal rational people descend into madness tweet by tweet. I’ve felt it happen to me. Why? Is it the format that breeds this? Does that mean it would happen here? Or is it format + critical mass, like a petri dish? Could this medium breed generosity and kindness instead of rage and agression? What do you think?
Hey! I can use the iOS Drafts app to micro.blog, too. That’s cool.
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Not a fast day - a feast day! El Roy’s Taco Truck here I come! [http://www.pressdemocrat.com/specialsections/4550031-181/best-food-truck-el-roys](http://www.pressdemocrat.com/specialsections/4550031-181/best-food-truck-el-roys)
How do i change posting time from UTC to my local time?
Posting from my micro.blog to Android using the web site seems to work fine. Markdown works but not photos.
I’m trying to figure out a good workflow for micro-blog. I’m writing this in Mars Edit. It will should post to my micro.blog (leo.social) and since I’ve set my Wordpress XML-RPC endpoint at micro.blog, this post should then go to my Wordpress blog, leolaporte.com, and from there to @leolaporte on Twitter. Yeah right.
And, of course, as soon as I pledge my fealty to the Pixel, google announces it’s cutting me off in a year. ;-( http://www.androidauthority.com/pixel-pixel-xl-support-end-767885/
So if I post from leo.social (backend provided by micro.blog) does it go to @leolaporte on Twitter? Only one way to find out…
Y’know. I was all excited about the Samsung Galaxy S8+, but after using it for a couple of weeks I think I’m going back to the Pixel. Still, nothing beats pure Android. And the camera is actually better on the Pixel.
Posting from iOS now. Easy as a Sunday morning.

Hey, check it out! My new micro.blog is live. Thanks, Manton!
Next step - link it to https://leolaporte.com.